
  • Release date : Jul 22 2023 - 06:30
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Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

Meeting between President of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical sciences and Ambassador of Poland

The main purpose of holding this meeting was to reunite the parties of the newly established academic relationship between Iran and Poland, and to take other steps toward developing this cooperation in other academic fields

The Monday morning meeting, with the presence of the Ambassador of Poland, the Ambassador’s Advisor, and the Iranian hosts of this meeting including: Dr. Zali, the Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Sharif Kashani, the Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs, Dr. Moradi, the faculty member of Mofid Hospital and in charge of expanding Iran-Poland academic relationships, Dr. Ghanati, Director of Educational-Research Affairs of the Deputy of the International Affairs & Administrator of Iran-France, Medical-Scientific Collaboration Office, Dr. Haeri, the Chancellor’s Advisor in International Affairs , Dr. Noori Poor the Head of  Mofid Children’s Hospital and some other colleagues from the International Affairs department was held.


The main purpose of holding this meeting was to reunite the parties of the newly established academic relationship between Iran and Poland, and to take other steps toward developing this cooperation in other academic fields.

 The meeting started with Dr. Moradi's introductory speech about the historical background of the relations between the two countries date back to 15th century. Then he continued on the measures taken during these months of cooperation, exchanging academic knowledge in two countries and the fruitful trip of a group of Iranian medical fellows to Poland. 


He mentioned that this cooperation began with an online interview that was designed by Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences’ International Affairs unit last winter, while reciprocal visits were planned. After these negotiations, Prof. Mandera paid a visit to Mofid Hospital and SBUMS University and also a Memorandum of understanding was signed between SBUMS, Silesia Medical University and Poland embassy in Tehran. Last autumn, 3 pediatric neurosurgeons from SBUMS and 3 other neurosurgeons from IMU visited Katowice and Silesia pediatric hospital.


During these visits, daily reports, visiting wards, attendance at operations, and consultation on the interesting cases in both Iran and Poland’s hospitals were part of the visiting plan. 


Dr. Moradi at the end of his lecture one more time emphasized on the future cooperative pediatric neurosurgical project along with his interest in the following fields: Pediatric anesthesia: the most specialized ward in Iran, Pediatric ICU, Neonatology: the first fellowship training ward in Iran Pediatric neurology: epilepsy and neurometabolic disorders, and Base skull surgery: the most professional center in Iran. And he thanked Mr. Falkowski for a donation of a nine-thousand-euro grant to Mofid hospital


 Dr. Zali by emphasizing on the demographic similarities of, two countries, including pandemic infectious diseases, life expectancy, causes of death etc., declared that there are more different scopes that can be expected to add to our future scientific cooperation other than pediatric neurosurgery, including: midwifery, pharmacy, nursing, food processing industry, nutrition, food safety…. He also mentioned that during Covid-19 pandemic crisis the relations of the two countries helped them to face this challenging situation more effectively.   


Moreover, he stated that Poland’s well-developed and organized referral health system along with health insurance and a successful reduction of infant mortality in this country can be seen as other areas where the Polish side as a successful model can help the Iranian side.

 In this meeting, Mr. Ambassador appreciated Dr. Moradi’s comprehensive report of scientific interactions during this period and he expressed his satisfaction with all actions taken until now and announced their desire to continue this cooperation with a focus on assistive technology for children's medical problems. He also showed his interest in the fields already mentioned by Dr.Zali for upcoming cooperative projects. He announced that new grants including providing the second group of scholarships for Iranians and dispatching Polish doctors to Iran for the same scholarship can be predicted as other future programs.


Following Mr. Ambassador’s speech Dr. Haeri, the Chancellor’s Advisor, talked about the importance of helping innocent children to bring them back to society and giving them courage to get out of their unsociable status and become active members of society. He also counted the fields that can be estimated in order to expand these academic relationships, such as neurosurgical operations, electrophysiology and cardiology concerned with infants and children. He finished his speech by indicating academic fields as the best way to resume the cooperation between the two countries.


 Dr. Sharif Kashani said that years ago when pediatric transplantation was not done and there was no transplant unit in Mufid Hospital, a pediatric transplant was performed on a four-year-old boy - he expressed his happiness to see this case years later, when he is a mature boy, Dr. Sharif confirmed the joy and positive feeling laid in helping innocent children


Then Dr. Noori Poor, the head of Mofid Children's Hospital, on behalf of his team, expressed his appreciation for all the help and assistance they have received from Poland during this time of cooperation and the humanitarian donation devoted to Mofid Children's Hospital...


  Dr. Ansari, Representative of the Director of International Affairs of the relevant ministry, also appreciated Poland for its support during the Corona era as well as the vaccination process, the Poland's role in the children of Isfehan project, and all other arrangements and efforts made by the Polish side.  


 The Political Advisor of the Polish Ambassador expressed her satisfaction at participating in these collaborative negotiations and said: “In the next stage of these bilateral meetings, which were held in the fall, and dedicated to the provision of equipment and the management of cooperation relations with Tehran University in the field of industrial design, the students gave lectures on the needs of patients with neurosurgical problems and explained their innovative ideas in order to accelerate the rehabilitation process for patients. Another goal of this meeting was to create and strengthen communication between industrial design students and doctors. We will show you the results of this cooperation and connect you with this group in early summer because it would be helpful to study neurological issues at deeper levels”.


 Dr. Ghanati, Director of Educational-Research Affairs of the Deputy of the International Affairs Office Administrator of Iran-France, Medical-Scientific Collaboration Office,    also showed her interest in expanding this cooperation in the fields of food processing industries, nutrition, food safety, etc. And she announced: Iran's Food and Nutrition Institute is ready to cooperate to promote consular interactions and send members of the scientific team to observation courses.


 At the end of this meeting, Dr. Sharif Kashani , expressed his satisfaction and hope for more productive relations between the two countries in the near future and appreciated Poland's Ambassador for all the support and actions taken by the Polish side.

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